Saturday, August 29, 2009

Business Functions 1.51

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This is it - our main product, the free 500 function+ Business Functions library. It has both the Excel 2007 and the Excel 1997-2003 versions in the same package, complete with the help file, function finder, trace facility, all the examples and the tutorials. The Excel 2007 version also incorporates utilities including Cashflow Administrator, Number Formats, Select Function and Time Chart (BF Charts). [14 Dec 2008: An intermittent install problem with some versions of Windows/Excel has just been fixed] 13,181 kb6 May 09Alternative Downloads of Business Functions
As well as the complete install package above, we have a couple of minimalist install packages.
A potential advantage of using just the XLL is that you don't get all the BF user interface so its much more discrete and is in fact invisible to the user.
Beginning users are probably better off withe the complete install above, but you may have your reasons for wanting a more basic setup which will still run all the functions.
One application for minimum installs is that you might want to create a few bespoke VBA (array) functions that in turn call BF, without loading the full BF user interface.
Another might be that you don't want your users to start using the library, but just need them to be able to run models with BF in them. The XLL is very quick to load as there is no user interface.
You can also use the Excel VBA Auto_Open() function contained here to register the XLL on a individual model by model basis. In other words, you program it to load on demand.


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