Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to repair your corrupt word file with WordRepair

1 Conmment

Have you ever received an error report while trying to open a Word file? It’s really like a nightmare, especially if that file contains contains your huge amount of data/info. However, this article will show you how to repair it free by WordRepair software.

Sometimes you composed a Word document and saved it in your HDD, or received a DOC file; but for any reason, while trying to open it for reading or editing, you got an error report that you couldn’t access that file. Or even you could open it, but its content’s illegible strings. If that file only contains unimportant data, you can just delete it and compose a new one. If not, however, you can’t ignore it; then you will need WordRepair’s help.

WordRepair is a free program which restores broken Word documents. It works with files made by Microsoft Word 6.0; Word 95, 97, 2000, XP & 2003. It doesn’t require installing, can be saved in anywhere and can be used quickly and easily. You can download it absolutely free here. After downloading, click downloaded file to use immediately without installing, then WordRepair’s main interface will appear.

Now you’re ready to fix broken DOC files. At program’s main interface, click “Repair/Open” button and search for files which you want to mend. Although all files in the folder can be seen, you’re only allowed to choose a DOC file. The chosen file’s content will be seen at main interface. Now, the first step - restoring broken file’s content - completed. But you can’t edit now. Click “Save” button to save restored content before editing.

However, one of WordRepair’s weakness is saving restored file under rich-text (.rtf) format. Therefore, the former file’s format - drawings, pictures, tables, etc. - will be lost in restoring process. It probably makes you not satisfied, if your file has many drawings and pictures. But it’s important that you restored broken file’s content instead of re-composing it, especially if its content is essential.


1 comments to "How to repair your corrupt word file with WordRepair"

Alex said...
September 14, 2011 at 3:40 PM

For settling various troubles related to problem doc files you can use repair word document. The tool uses modern ways of repairing data from all versions of MS Word. The program can't modify source data during restoration and launches under any PC software configuration.

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